HKU Ecologists Firstly Put an Insect Group on a Century-old Map of Biodiversity 港大和日本研究人員繪製首張螞蟻全球分布圖

HKU Ecologists Firstly Put an Insect Group on a Century-old Map of Biodiversity 港大和日本研究人員繪製首張螞蟻全球分布圖

Aug 15th 2024

The distribution of species around the globe is not a random process but an outcome resulting from several ...

HKU Researchers Sheds Light on Overcoming Cancer Drug Resistance Unlocking Potential to Expand Use of PARP Inhibitors Across Cancer Types

HKU Researchers Sheds Light on Overcoming Cancer Drug Resistance Unlocking Potential to Expand Use of PARP Inhibitors Across Cancer Types

Aug 01st 2024

Inactivation of a DNA repair gene called FANCM enhances the formation of DNA damage and chromosomal ...

How Soybeans Defy Conventional Nitrogen Uptake

How Soybeans Defy Conventional Nitrogen Uptake

Jul 25th 2024

In general, plants obtain the nutrients they need for growth and development from the soil through their root ...

HKU Ecologists Discover Rare Fiddler Crab Species on the Hong Kong Coast Highlighting the Impact of Climate Change and Coastal Development

HKU Ecologists Discover Rare Fiddler Crab Species on the Hong Kong Coast Highlighting the Impact of Climate Change and Coastal Development

Jul 25th 2024

Male Tubuca dussumieri on a sand flat. Photo by Pedro J. Jimenez. Researchers from the School of Biological ...

Ecologists reconstruct history of biodiversity in Indo-Australian archipelago and its rise as a hotspot

Ecologists reconstruct history of biodiversity in Indo-Australian archipelago and its rise as a hotspot

Jun 29th 2024

Vibrant marine life in the Coral Triangle region of Sabah, Malaysia, showcasing the area's remarkable ...

HKU Ecologist Contributes to Pioneering Earth BioGenome Project Hong Kong

HKU Ecologist Contributes to Pioneering Earth BioGenome Project Hong Kong

May 27th 2024

Professor Juan Diego GAITÁN-ESPITIA from the School of Biological Science has joined forces with researchers ...

HKU Study Reveals Crucial Role of Invertebrates as Eco-Custodians in Global Forest Litter Decomposition 港大研究:白蟻對守護生態具貢獻

HKU Study Reveals Crucial Role of Invertebrates as Eco-Custodians in Global Forest Litter Decomposition 港大研究:白蟻對守護生態具貢獻

May 02nd 2024

Global distribution of forest leaf litter decomposition experiment used in this study. (Illustration adapted ...