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FloraNew records and clarification of some names of vascular plants in Hong Kongby Ng Sai-chit, KFBGDendrophthoe pentandra (L.) Miq. in Fl. Ned. Ind. 1: 818, 1856. Loranthus pentandrus L. in Mant. Pl. 1: 63. 1767. On 29 March, 2001, Mrs Gloria Barretto presented to me some specimens from the family Loranthaceae that were collected from her garden 'Girashol' at Tai Po Kau. A closer examination of some of the flowering specimens (G. Barretto ex S.C. Ng 2927, 29 Mar 2001, New Territories, Tai Po Kau, (KFBG, HKU, AFCD)) revealed a taxon previously unrecorded in any of the local published checklists (Bentham 1860, Dunn & Tutcher 1912, Anon. 1978 & 1993; Xing et al. 2000). These specimens were keyed to Dendrophthoe pentandra (L.) Miq. using the keys by Kiu (1988) and Barlow (1997). The identity of these specimens was further confirmed by comparing them to a Kwangtung specimen of this species (G.W. Groff (HK24980), Apr 1918, Guangdong Province, exact locality unknown (AFCD)) identified by Xi Nianhe (IBSC, Guangzhou). No Hong Kong specimens of this species have previously been deposited in the AFCD Herbarium. Without flowers, Dendrophthoe pentandra is similar to the locally abundant Taxillus chinensis (DC.) Danser in habit, but the former tends to have longer rhomboid elliptical leaves whereas those of the latter are usually more round. Among other locally occurring Loranthaceae, D. pentandra differs from Marcosolen cochinchinensis (Lour.) Tiegh. in having a single floral bract instead of three, and minutely hairy pedicels instead of glabrous ones. It also differs from Taxillus chinensis and Scurrula parasitica L. in having a 5-merous and radially symmetrical corolla tube. Similar to Helixanthera parasitica Lour., it has a racemose inflorescence, but it differs in having a short corolla tube instead of free petals. Dendrophthoe pentandra is known to be distributed from E. India eastwards throughout Indochina to the Philippines (Barlow 1997). In China it has been recorded in Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan (Kiu 1988), and is locally common in Guangdong (Xing, F.W., pers. comm.). In Girashol it is a parasite of Scolopia saeva, Diospyros kaki, and Albizia julibrisson (introduced). Although it is not found in a truly wild habitat, it is apparently wild (G. Barretto, pers. comm.) and can live on native species. Hence, its presence in the nearby secondary forests of Tai Po Kau is to be expected. Viscum diospyrosicolum Hayata in Icon. Pl. Formosan. 5: 192-193, f. 67-68, 1915. On 27 May, 2000, while hiking with a team of youngsters at Tan Chuk Hang near Hok Tau, I was attracted by some fallen twigs of a leafless Viscum. A specimen of Viscum was then collected on the branches of a Cyclobalanopsis mysinifolia tree immediately above (S.C.Ng 2189, 27 May 2000, New Territories, Tan Chuk Hang, HKU). Closer examination of this specimen suggested that it was different from the other two known records of leafless Viscum species in Hong Kong (Viscum articulatum Burm.f. and V. liquidambaricolum Hayata). More flowering and fruiting specimens were collected from the same site afterwards (S.C. Ng 2225, 14 Jun 2000, same locality (HKU, AFCD); S.C. Ng 2841, 17 Nov 2000, same locality (HKU)). These specimens were keyed to Viscum diospyrosicolum Hayata using Kiu's key (1987). Their identify was confirmed by comparing to Kwangtung and Fujien specimens in the AFCD Herbarium that were identified as Viscum diospyrosicolum Hayata by Xi Nianhe (IBSC, Guangzhou) (Hodgins (HK25017), 15 Apr 1909, Fujien Province, exact locality unknown (AFCD); R. Mell (HK25018), 12 May, 1912, Pak Wan, Guangdong Province (AFCD); S.T.Dunn (HK25016), 11 Apr 1909, Swatow, Guangdong Province (AFCD); E.D. Merrill (HK25009), 26 Nov 1917, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province (AFCD)). No Hong Kong specimens of this species have been previously deposited in AFCD Herbarium. This species has terete internodes (0.5-3 mm width) that are always widest at the top. In contrast, V. articulatum and V. liquidambaricolim have flat internodes (3-20 mm width) that are widest at the middle or upper-half of the internode. Compared to V. articularum, its fruit is orange instead of white. It has been recorded throughout SW China to Taiwan, including Guangdong. Locally in Hong Kong, the population where my specimens were collected is so far the only known site for this species. Smilax aberrans Gagnep. in Bull. Soc. Bot. France 81: 71, 1934. Smilax ovalifolia auct. non Roxb.: Anon., Check List HK. Pl., 1993, name only. On 5 February, 2001, I went to the forest at Sunset Peak (Lantau) to enjoy the cool and misty upland weather of Hong Kong's early spring. On my way ascending along the Wang Lung Hang Path, I walked into the ravine forest immediately before the patch of Asarum hongkongense. At around 600 m, I encountered five flowering and fruiting individuals of an unusual Smilax species with no spines and tendrils, and having dark purple flower petals (S.C.Ng 2888, 5 Feb 2001, Sunset Peak, Lantau (HKU, AFCD); S.C.Ng 2889, 5 Feb 2001, Sunset Peak, Lantau (HKU)). Two individuals of the same species were encountered again in the forest on the north side of Mt. Nicholson on Hong Kong Island at 350 m (S.C.Ng 2907, 20 Feb 2001, Mt. Nicholson, HK Is. (HKU, KFBG)). These specimens were keyed down to Smilax aberrans Gapnep. using the key in Chen & Koyama (2000). Although not mentioned in any of the published checklists, examination of specimens in the AFCD Herbarium revealed that similar specimens had been collected on Victoria Peak (Anon. (HK7589), 16 Jun 1913, Mt. Victoria, HK. Is. (AFCD)) but were misidentified as Smilax ovalifolia Roxb. (Anon. 1993). Interestingly, neither S. ovalifolia or S. aberrans were mentioned in Xing et al. (2000). Another specimen, collected on Sunset Peak (Y.W. Lam 1365, 9 Feb 1999, Sunset Peak, Lantau (AFCD)), had been misidentified as a Heterosmilax sp. This species is a subshrub less than one metre tall and with no tendrils, whereas all the other local Smilacaceae species and Smilax ovalifolia are climbers with tendrils. Although occasional Smilax china have a similar growth form in open exposed shrubland, tendrils are always present. Leaves of S. aberrans have a similar shape and size to S. china but the undersides are usually minutely papillose and have a heavily whitish colour that could not be rubbed off, as it can in S. glabra and S. corbicularia. Both lateral and reticulate veins are obviously depressed on the upper sides but raised on the underside. Male flowers have dark purple petals instead of white or pale green as in other local Smilax species. Stamens are erect but short and usually less than one third of the length of petals. Fruit is black instead of red as in S. china. This species is regionally widespread and has been recorded from Yunnan to Guangdong and Vietnam. During my last trip to NW Guangdong, this species was found to be locally common. Carex fenghuangshanica S.F. Wang & T. Tang ex P.C. Li in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 37(2):168, fig. 7, 1999; C. speciosa auct. non Kunth.: J.C. Shaw, HK. Cyperaceae Tax. Eco. & Geog. 2:29-30, 2000; C. speciosa var. angustifolia auct. non Boott.: Anon., Check List HK. Pl., 1993, name only. In Volume 12 of Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae (Dai et al. 2000), a recently described species (Carex fenghuangshanica S.F. Wang & T. Tang ex P.C. Li) that resembles Carex speciosa Kunth. was included (Li, 1999). Upon closer examination of Hong Kong specimens that were previously identified as C. speciosa (S.T. Dunn 5288, Jun 1908, San Tau, Lantau (AFCD); S.C. Ng 1333, 21 Apr 1998, Pokfulam, HK Is. (HKU, AFCD); S.C. Ng 1822, 28 Apr 1999, Mui Wo, Lantau (HKU); S.C. Ng 1892, 20 Jun 1999, Yi O, Lantau (HKU)), all of them turn out to be C. fenghuangshanica according to Dai et al. (2000). The identity of these Hong Kong specimens was confirmed by comparing them with the type specimens of C. fenghuangshanica deposited at the Beijing National Herbarium (PE). These two species have similar habits and both have androgynous spikelets typical of the Section Radicales. However, they differ in the shape and character of their utricles, achenes and spikes. Utricles of C. fenghuangshanica are characterized by having many (>4) obvious and raised veins on each of the two dorsal faces, whereas C. speciosa always has only two raised veins, one at the middle of each of the two dorsal facing sides of the utricle, in addition to some tender and obscure veins (Fig. 1 & 2). Utricles of C. fenghuangshanica are also broadly ovate, whereas those of C. speciosa are elliptical. The achenes of C. fenghuangshanica have a broader shape than those of C. speciosa. Carex fenghuangshanica also has fewer spikes and broader spikelets than C. speciosa. Li (1999) and Dai et al (2000) mentioned no additional locality for this species other than the type locality at Guangxi (Fenghuangshan, Gechang). Hong Kong is therefore a new locality for this species. The global status of this species, however, cannot be determined at this stage since the whole group is generally overlooked. Locally in Hong Kong, it is only found at four sites (Xing et al. 2000) in sparse forest at low altitude (50 – 250 m). Bibliography Anonymous. (1978). Check List of Hong Kong Plants. Agriculture and Fisheries Department Bulletin No. 1 (Revised), Hong Kong Herbarium, Hong Kong. Anonymous. (1993). Check List of Hong Kong Plants. Agriculture and Fisheries Department Bulletin No. 1 (Revised), Hong Kong Herbarium, Hong Kong. Barlow, B.A. (1997. Loranthaceae. Flora Malesiana 13: 209-401. Bentham, G. (1861). Flora Hongkongensis. Lovell Reeve. London. Chen, X.Q. and Koyama, T. (2000). Smilax. Flora of China 24: 96-115. Dai, L.K., Liang, S.-Y., Tang, Y.C., Li, P.C. (eds.) (2000). Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae. Science Press, Beijing. Dunn, S.T. and Tutcher, W.J. (1912). Flora of Kwangtung and Hongkong (China). Royal Botanic Garden, Kew. Kiu, H.S. (1988). Loranthaceae. Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae. 24:86-158. Science Press, Beijing. Li, P.C. (1999). New taxa of Carex L. (Cyperaceae) from China. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica. 37(2):156-176. Xing F.W., Ng, S.C. and Chau, L.K.C. (2000). Gymnosperms and Angiosperms of Hong Kong. Memoirs of the Hong Kong Natural History Society. 23:21-136. Fig. 1 Carex fenghuangshanica S.F. Wang & T. Tang ex P.C. Li.
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