Notes of oral / poster presentation:

Keynote / Invited lectures / Oral presentation

Room 202, K.K. Leung Building, the University of Hong Kong

All speakers are requested to submit their Powerpoint files at the registration desk at least 3 hours before the start of each session. All computers in the lecture theatres are PC, running Windows Microsoft Windows 7 (Enterprise Edition) with Office 2013.
Macintosh users are recommended to submit the pdf presentation files to the registration desk, adapter for connecting LCD projector will also be available.

Keynote speakers will be allocated 30 minutes for presentation.
Other speakers will be allocated 20 minutes for presentation.

Detailed presentation schedule


Poster Presentations

Venue: Poster display area outside room 202, K.K. Leung Building, the University of Hong Kong

Each participant will be allocated a poster space of 140 x 80 cm (height x width). Poster presenters are requested to mount their posters on 19 June 2016 before 10:00.


For queries, please contact

Conference secretariat
School of Biological Sciences
The University of Hong Kong

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