Freshwater Macroinvertebrates in Hong Kong

Macromia urania (Club-tailed cruiser)

Habitat: larvae found in fast flowing sandy woodland streams

General appearance: body large sized, up to about 20mm, covered by fine setae and having spidery legs, especially long claws; frontal horn elevated and upcurved; eyes protruding dorsally; postero-lateral tuberacles small; labium scoop-shaped with a median apex on ligula; wing sheath with dark bands distally, extended up to abdominal segment V; femora banded with 3 dark markings; abdomen spindle-shaped with some cloud-like markings; dorsal spines on abdominal segments III - IX and lateral spines on segments VIII - IX

Fullview in early stage
Hear in early stage
Labium in early stage
Abdomen in early stage