Hemiphyllodactylus sp.
Tree Gecko 半葉趾虎

Hemiphyllodactylus sp.
Squamata 有鱗目
Lacertilia 蜥蜴亞目
Family Gekkonidae 壁虎科
Genus Hemiphyllodactylus 半葉趾虎屬
Species Hemiphyllodactylus sp.
Other name Slender Gecko
Chinese name -
Total length Total length less than 10 cm.
Description Body and tail slender. Pale brown in colour, with fine dark vermiculations on head and body.
A mid-dorsal pale stripe may be present on dorsum. Head board. A pale stripe behind each eye.
Tail shorter than snout-vent length, with small dark bands. Tip of tail usually ends in a small coil.
Inner digits reduced and without claw.

A forest gecko found on large tree trunks and abandoned buildings in or near forest.
A rare species that was first recorded in Hong Kong in 1992.

Behaviour Mostly nocturnal, but also comes out during day. May bask on cool days.
Diet In captivity feeds on small insects such as crickets and fruit flies.
Reproduction Oviparous. Lays 2 small eggs in summer.
Distribution In Hong Kong is known only from Po Toi (蒲台), Aberdeen, and Shek Kwu Chau (石鼓洲)
Hong Kong's Hemiphyllodactylus is somewhat different from the other two East Asian species Hemiphyllodactylus typus and H. yunnanensis.
Comparative work is in progress.
Conservation Status IUCN Redlist: NE (Not Evaluated)
Hemiphyllodactylus sp.
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