Hemidactylus brookii (Gray, 1845)
Brook's Gecko 密疣蜥虎

Hemidactylus brookii
Squamata 有鱗目
Lacertilia 蜥蜴亞目
Family Gekkonidae 壁虎科
Genus Hemidactylus 蜥虎屬
Species Hemidactylus brookii
Other name -
Chinese name -
Total length Total length about 15 cm.
Description Pale brownish in colour. Ventral white or light yellow.
With black spots and numerous prominent tubercles on dorsum of body and tail, which gives it a rough warty appearance.
Tail covered with rows of spikes. Digits have divided lamellae

Inhabits both the inside and outside of buildings and other man-made structures.

Behaviour Nocturnal. Hides underneath objects or in crevices during the day and emerges at night to forage.
Is attracted to house-lights. Very quick and agile in movement.
Diet Captive specimens feed readily on small insects.
Reproduction Oviparous. Breeding habits probably similar to those of Bowring's Gecko (Hemidactylus bowringii).
Distribution An introduced species to Hong Kong and China. How or exactly when it was brought into Hong Kong is unclear.
First recorded locally in 1978 from St. Louis School in Western District.
Currently known from only three localities, where it is well-established.
One is the grounds of St. Louis School.
Before 1978, opposite this school a large warehouse which stored merchandise imported from outside of Hong Kong.
The gecko probably arrived with these goods and established itself in the area.
The other site is a few kilometers away in the Sandy Bay area.
Recently, a well-established population has been found in Ngau Chi Wan.
Appears to be quite common in nearby Macau, situated about 80 km west of Hong Kong.
Has also been reported from Zhejiang Province, China.
Occurs in South and Southeast Asia, Indoaustralian Archipelago, West Indies and Tropical Africa.
Conservation Status IUCN Redlist: NE (Not Evaluated)
Hemidactylus brookii Hemidactylus brookii Hemidactylus brookii
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