Grant Summary

RGC and CRF:

  1. Secretinergic Neurons in the Basolateral Amygdala is a Central Hub for Integrating Social Signals. HK$1,179,699 (HKU 17126222, On-going).
  2. Roles of Secretin-like Peptides in Embryogenesis and Neurogenesis of a Cephalochordate, the Amphioxus. HK$1,168,266 (Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)/Research Grants Council (RGC) Joint Research Scheme 2020/21, On-going).
  3. Secretin Initiates Salt Intake in the Excitatory Neurons of the Nucleus of Solitary Tract. HK$1,191,556 (HKU 17113120, On-going).
  4. Osmoregulatory Actions of Secretin in Excitatory and Inhibitory Neuronal Populations of the Subfornical Organ. HK$971,902 (HKU 17127718, Completed).
  5. Co-evolution of function and structure of PACAP with the hypothalamo-pituitary axis from invertebrates to vertebrates. HK$892,611 (HKU 17112317, Jan 2018 to Dec 2020).
  6. Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Progressive Development of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in Secretin Knockout Mice. HK$1,100,302 (HKU 17127215, Jan 2016 to Dec 2018).
  7. Nuclear factor of activated T-cells 5 (NFAT5) plays a key role in regulating secretin and secretin receptor in the kidney for renal omsoprotection against osmotic stress. HK$950,955 (HKU 17112014, July 2014 to Dec 2017).
  8. A role of secretin in fat uptake in enterocytes and breakdown in adipocytes. HK$636,939 (RGC 17105514, Jan 2015 to Dec 2016).
  9. Secretin in mouse cerebellar Purkinje cells is responsible for regulating motor coordination and learning. HK$1,385,652 (RGC 765113M, Jan 2014 to Dec 2016).
  10. Strategic research of hormones and their receptors in the water homeostatic axis: from molecular mechanisms to anti-hypertensive drug design. HK$5,625,000 (CRF/11G, July 2012 to Jun 2015).
  11. The Concerted Actions of Secretin with Vasopressin in Salt Conservation. HK$1,348,250 (RGC 764812M, Jan 2013 to June 2015)
  12. The Mechanism of Central Secretin as a Dipsogen. HK$1,020,000 (RGC 765011M, Jan 2012 to Dec 2014)
  13. An Indispensable Role of Secretin in Mediating Effects of Angiotensin-II in the Brain. HK$ 1,183,200 (RGC 7645/10M, Jan 2011 to Dec 2013).
  14. The Potential Role of Secretin, A Postprandially Released Gut Hormone, in appetite control. HK$ 1,133,640 (RGC 7638/09M, Jan 2010 to Dec 2012).
  15. Discovery of novel growth hormone-releasing hormone: from functions to evolution. HK$ 1,570,480 (RGC 7639/07M, Jan 2008 to Dec 2010).
  16. A negative feedback loop involving bile acids and Small Heterodimer Partner in controlling secretin gene expression is a key to modulate bile release. HK$ 1,282,500 (RGC 7566/06M, Jan 2007 to Dec 2009).
  17. Secretin: a putative neurosecretory hormone that regulates water homeostasis in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis" HK$ 1,759,328 (RGC 7501/05M, Jan 2006 to Dec 2008).
  18. A Conditional Knockout Animal Model for Secretin. HK$ 977,468 (HKU 7384/04M, RGC Jan 2005 to Dec 2006)
  19. Secretin as a Neuropeptide. HK$1,786,000 (HKU 7219/02M, RGC Sept 2002 to 2005)
  20. Evolution of VIP, PACAP and their receptors HK$64,000 (F-HK 35/01T, 2001-2, HK/France Procore joint research scheme)
  21. The Concerted Hypophysiotropic Actions of GHRH and PACAP on the Control of Growth Hormone Release in Goldfish, Carassius auratus. HK$580,000 (HKU 7181/99M, RGC, Sept 99 to Aug 02).
  22. Structure-function analysis and tissue-specificity of the human secretin receptor gene. HK$761,000 (HKU 416/96M, RGC, Sept 96 to Aug 98).
  23. Molecular cloning of G-protein coupled receptors cDNAs from rat pancreatic islets. HK$776,000 (HKU 309/93M, RGC, Sep 93 to Aug 95).
  24. Regulation of the Human Secretin Receptor Gene: Differential Display and Promoter Analysis HK$120,000 (HKU 7209/98M, Sep 98 to Aug 99).
  25. Functional Analysis of the Human Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptor Gene Promoter. HK$100,000 (HKU 7224/97M, Sep 97 to Aug 98)