Refereed Journal Papers, Books and Bookchapters



Diao, H.F., X.Y. Li, J.D. Gu, H.C. Shi, and Z.M. Xie (2004) Electron microscopic investigation of the bactericidal action of electrochemical disinfection in comparison with chlorination, ozonation and Fenton reaction. Process Biochemistry 39: 1421-1426.

Gu, J.-D. (2004) Effects of free radicals on marine microbial populations. Pages 89-99. In: N. Ramaiah (ed.), Marine Microbiology: Facets and Opportunities. National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, India.

Gu, J.-D ., W. Qiu, A. Koenig, and Y. Fan (2004) Removal of high NO3- concentrations in saline water through autotrophic denitrification by the bacterium Thiobacillus denitrificans strain MP. Water Science and Technology 49 (5-6): 105-112.

Xu, X.-R., Z.-Y. Zhao, X.-Y. Li, and J.-D. Gu (2004) Chemical oxidative degradation of methyl tert-butyl ether in aqueous solution by Fenton’s reagent. Chemosphere 55: 73-79.

Xu, X.R., and J.-D. Gu (2004) Elucidation of methyl tert-butyl ether degradation with Fe2+ /H2O2 by purge-and-trap gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Microchemical Journal. 77: 71-77.

Xu, X.R., H.B. Li, W.-H. Wang, and J.-D. Gu (2004) Degradation of dyes in aqueous solutions by the Fenton process. Chemosphere 57 : 595-600.

Xu, X.R., H.B. Li, and J.-D. Gu (2004) Reduction of hexavalent chromium by ascorbic acid in aqueous solutions. Chemosphere 57 : 609-613.


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