Freshwater Macroinvertebrates in Hong Kong

Hydrocanthus indicus

Family: Noteridae
Subfamily: Noterinae
Tribe: Hydrocanthini

Habitat: Wetland

General appearance: Body form elongate and narrowed posteriorly, not hemispherical. Hind coxal plates and metasternal process conjoined to form a common ventral plate in the same plane as prosternal process and its base. Inner laminae of hind coxae rised aboth the outer lamine their whole length and expanded laterally into plates, which can shield hind femora in part. Dorsal surface shiny, not dull. Elytra red to reddish brown uniformly without yellow patches.

Cranium and pronotum (dorsal view)
Cranium and pronotum (dorsal view)
Prosternal and hind coxal process
Protarsi (right)
Hind tarsi (right)


Pederzani, F. (1995). Keys to the identification of the genera and subgenera of adult Dytiscidae (sensu lato) of the world (Coleoptera Dytiscidae). Atti dell'Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati, a, 244, 5-83.