Freshwater Macroinvertebrates in Hong Kong

Hydaticus rhantoides

Family: Dytiscidae
Subfamily: Dytiscinae
Tribe: Hydaticini

Habitat: Wetland

General appearance: Medium size; 9 - 11 mm. Posterior margins of first four segments of hind tarsi transersely with a coarse frnge of flat, adpressed, golden yellow setae.

Cranium and pronotum (dorsal view)
Head in ventral view
Prosternal and hind coxal process
Right hind tarsi (ventral view)


Pederzani, F. (1995). Keys to the identification of the genera and subgenera of adult Dytiscidae (sensu lato) of the world (Coleoptera Dytiscidae). Atti dell'Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati, a, 244, 5-83.