
ANOTHER GOVERNMENT, another Porcupine! And, sadly, another act of environmental vandalism - this one perpetrated at Sham Chung marsh which, as our front page article indicates, is (or was) one of Hong Kong's finest wetlands. On the constructive side, the government's EIA bill was passed earlier this year, and our special feature reports the results of a Porcupine! survey on problems and solutions in the EIA process, as perceived by those who are directly involved.

New animal species for Hong Kong keep turning up; amongst others this issue reports two reptiles, a bumblebee, a dragonfly and two butterflies new for 1997. Major articles in this issue include a table of Hong Kong butterfly status and flight periods from George Walthew, a report on two recently recorded freshwater fish and a warning of a potential threat to Hong Kong's corals. Richard Saunders is shaken to his roots by plant taxonomy in Six Papers that Shook..., while Gray Williams rants (again) From the Bar.... David Dudgeon strikes a cautionary note with a discourse on the pit-falls to be avoided when doing ecological science.

Porcupine! is 5 years old this August. To all our contributors - many thanks!


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