E&B Teachers making concerted effort to protect the integrity of Country Park system of Hong Kong



Building small houses in park enclaves will degrade biodiversity

As local experts in ecology, biodiversity and nature conservation, we strongly object to any proposal that allows increased development of small houses within country park enclaves such as So Lo Pun, Pak Lap and Hoi Ha Wan....

The government recently embarked on the planning and implementation of the international Convention on Biological Diversity, and in that context is responsible for fostering the conservation of biological diversity in Hong Kong.

Unfortunately, it now intends to follow the request of the Heung Yee Kuk and allow substantial development zones for small houses within the enclaves. Eventually, there could be as many as 19 such zones with a total area of 320 hectares within these enclaves where over 3,000 small houses could be built. (For detail ... Please search South China Morning Post | 2013-11-29 or here)



林超英表示,希望鄉村和郊野公園可以和諧共存,保育生態同時保障村民。林超英指「不包括土地」納入郊野公園後,現時居民對於村屋的業權並不會因此而改變,不會出現所謂的「官奪民產」或「強搶民產」等問題。有村民害怕「不包括土地」被納入郊野公園後,將不可以建屋,甚至有人說多年來政府只批了兩單丁屋申請,數量很少,害怕議案通過之後獲批准的丁屋申請會更加少。林超英釐清指多年來只有兩單丁屋申請,而兩單都得到批准,所以居民不需要擔心建屋問題。此外,郊野公園條例指明居住於郊野公園內的村民可以維持原有的生活,並不存在著「沒田可耕」的問題;如果村民不希望繼續住在那裡,政府亦有補償機制去為這些村民作出恰當的補償。(For detail....http://www.inmediahk.net/node/1019380.)


海下、白腊及鎖羅盤等三幅已納入發展審批地區圖的不包括土地,正面臨大肆發展的威脅。 羅理義指,三個地點均不乏獨有的動植物種,白腊就有具5億年歷史的文昌魚,文昌魚是由無脊椎動物進化至魚類期間的形態,在全中國也是受保護的物種。香港大學生物科學學院教授梁美儀指,海下有逾450種動植物,還有64種石珊瑚及百多種依附的珊瑚魚,污染的化學物進入大海,將造成嚴重破壞。(For detail... Apple Daily | 2013-12-04)

(For detail... Please search WISER -- Sky Post | 2013-12-04)